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10 Most Romantic Places to See Sunrise

There is certainly something magical about nature's fascinating phenomenon 'Sunrise' something that is romantic and divine. Have you ever imagined how beautiful your morning can be? Watching sunrise at the dawn of the day is just heavenly. As it is greatly said "Rejoice when you see sunset and be grateful if you wake to see the sunrise." We have uncovered some of the world's most romantic and popular places to watch Sunrise.

#1 Pyramids of Egypt


The Giza Pyramids are considered the world's most beautiful place during the sunrise and sunset hours, a place where even time ceases. The magnificent structures are absolutely stunning and are sure to leave you spellbound. With the astonishing rays of the sun falling on the pyramid, you will probably be left with an everlasting memory and a different perception of the historic era in which these were built.

#2 Tonga Islands in South Pacific Ocean

In the tranquility of a beautiful island, surrounded by turquoise pacific waters one can enjoy the beauty and stillness of sunrise at Tonga islands. Tonga Islands are blessed with the first rays of the sun while the rest of the world is sleeping. 

#3 Taj Mahal in India


The Majestic Taj Mahal one of the seven wonders of the world, is the greatest symbol of eternal love. The sun rays falling on the epic marble mausoleum gives a sparkling effect. One most interesting fact about Taj is its appearance, pinkish in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines. Getting a glimpse of Taj Mahal during sunrise is worth a visit.

#4 Nagarkot in Nepal

This amazing place offers an overwhelming view of the Langton range but is most famous for its breathtaking sunrise view from the Himalayas. The Himalayan peaks at sunrise are a magnificent sight to behold. During this time the city below looks more like a fairy tale with tiny yellow lights shining below. One can witness the mesmerizing sunrise view, including tallest Mount Everest and other snow-covered peaks of the Himalayan range of eastern Nepal. 

#5 Grand Canyon in USA

Grand Canyon in Arizona astonishes people with its mesmerizing history and beauty. It is one of the most impressive sunrise destinations across the globe. The awe- inspiring scenery and the view of rays of the sun finding its way through the Canyon valleys takes you to a dreamland.

#6The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China that runs along like an unrelenting serpentine is another place in the world which offers a remarkable view of a perfect sunrise. Sunrise over the Great Wall is one destination you cannot afford to miss, it is a magnificent piece of man-made architecture on earth visible from the moon. 

#7 Svalbard, Norway

Svalbard is a picturesque location which is an ideal place to watch sunrise. Sun doesn't set in Svalbard-at least not between mid-April and late Augus and sun rise here is a beautiful thing to witness here. Svalbard is situated towards the north of the Artic Circle, which showcases midnight sun, an event where sun is seen in the sky for 24 hours a day.

#8 River Thames in London

Watching the sun rise over river Thames at the crack of dawn is mesmerizing. You will lose yourself in the majesty of the sunrise if you take a walk by the river in the wee hours of the morning and moreover, you can enjoy the sunrise against the city skyline as the background.

#9 Eiffel Tower in France

Paris is undoubtedly the most romantic city in the world and Eiffel Tower located in the city is a favorite destination among tourists. You can enjoy the view of magnificent sky as it wears a different shade of color during sunrise. 

#10 Central Park in New York

It's hard to believe that this beautiful sunrise takes place in New York City. With the Manhattan skyline as the backdrop, Residents of New York get to enjoy stunning views of the rising sun they you jog or take a walk through the Central Park early in the morning.

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